Why Coconut Wax Candles?

Olive and Ollie shines light on the simple everyday pleasures of life each time one of our coconut wax candles is lit. We are different from many of our competitors in our decision to use coconut wax for the base for all of our scented handmade candles.  Coconut wax has the slowest & cleanest burn and holds a higher fragrance concentration than leading competitor Soy candles. It is said to be more "natural" and more eco-friendly to harvest. Check out how coconut wax compares to the other popular candle waxes on the market:

Paraffin wax is a petroleum by-product that is made from the waste when crude oil is refined into gasoline. It is low cost, but incredibly unsustainable. Studies show that inhaling paraffin candle fumes can cause adverse reactions including nausea, vomiting and headaches. Additionally, when burned, Paraffin creates toxic benzene and toluene which are carcinogens that can lead to lung cancer.

Palm wax is derived from palm trees. Palm wax is considered a safer alternative to Paraffin wax, but unfortunately it is also very unsustainable. Land in Indonesia and Malaysia has been cleared in order to grow the palm trees from which palm oil and wax is derived. This land is home to many old and diverse rain forests in the world, and the rate of deforestation in Indonesia is one of the world's largest CO2 emitters. Safe to say this product is not environmentally friendly.

Soy wax are made from Soybean oil. It is appealing in that it does burn slowly, and is a safer alternative to paraffin, however it has trouble throwing fragrances. Soy wax is often marketed as the "safest and most eco-friendly of the waxes". This unfortunately is not the case, the soy in soy candles is commercially farmed using high intensity farming practices which includes fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals all from GMO seeds. By buying soy candles you are supporting the production of GMO's. Additionally, even candles that claim to be 100% soy wax based, must be processed with a small amount of paraffin. 

Beeswax comes from the hives of honeybees! Alone, Beeswax candles can be a good option (if they are 100% beeswax) they are non-carcinogenic .However, it is extremely difficult to turn these into scented candles because they do not hold scent very well. It is very difficult and expensive to find beeswax. Additionally, the availability of beeswax has been affected by CCD ( Colony Collapse Disorder).

The spark that ignited Olive + Ollie Goods into a luxury candle and home goods brand was simply FRUSTRATION.   The owner, Liv Singleton along with approximately 30 million Americans, suffers from eczema. Liv could never find the perfect product to soothe her body and soul. Nothing seemed to perfectly marry moisture with aromatherapy.  Now, all of Olive + Ollie candles burn from her desire to create a clean and toxin free collection safe enough for sensitive skin.  Each candle is poured in small batches and infused with essential oils in Liv’s Charlotte, North Carolina studio.  Whether you need candles for meditation, candles for inspiration, candles for décor or candles for gifts, Olive + Ollie has something for you. After all, we're proof that everyone deserves the perfect candle!